I decided to post a duet I wrote just for a little change. Let's hope this works.
(BRIANNA slowly walks into the scene, not noticing MIKAYLAH, who is kneeling head down, gazing, tired, into the ground. BRIANNA sits down and straightens her skirt. She sits and looks around casually for a few seconds, then, startled, notices MIKAYLAH.)
BRIANNA- Are you okay?
(MIKAYLAH doesn’t answer. BRIANNA moves closer, still seated on the bench. She leans over.)
BRIANNA- Are you okay?
(MIKAYLAH looks slightly up, troubled. She immediately snaps her gaze back down and slowly lowers her head.)
BRIANNA- Well, I’m going to leave, I guess…
(MIKAYLAH quickly rises and stops her.)
MIKAYLAH- No, don’t—
(When their gazes meet, BRIANNA gasps and MIKAYLAH turns away again.)
BRIANNA- Mikaylah?
MIKAYLAH¬- I don’t want to talk, no, go away.
(MIKAYLAH sits on the edge of the bench.)
BRIANNA- It’s been so long… what happened to you?
(MIKAYLAH looks at BRIANNA, then looks away.)
MIKAYLAH- Nothing.
BRIANNA- Clearly something’s up.
MIKAYLAH- Stop trying to be logical, okay, Brianna? You’ll never know what’s going on. Never. So just… just stop.
(BRIANNA looks hurt and draws back. She then comes forward, as to comfort MIKAYLAH. MIKAYLAH stands up and swirls around to face BRIANNA.)
MIKAYLAH- Last time I saw you was five years ago. I’ve changed. You can’t just waltz back into my life and expect to fix it. It just… doesn’t work that way!
BRIANNA- I know I can’t make a difference in your life…
MIKAYLAH- You don’t have to tell me that. I know that no one can.
BRIANNA- But God can.
(MIKAYLAH considers this a moment.)
MIKAYLAH- No, He can’t. This isn’t a fairy tale, okay? Nothing like that really happens in this world. You’re just blind to it, sitting in your happy bubble. It’s like you haven’t even seen the world yet.
BRIANNA- Oh. You’ve fallen away…
MIKAYLAH- So it really takes you that long to realize it?
(Their eyes meet, MIKAYLAH’S angry and BRIANNA’S unbelieving and hurt. MIKAYLAH’S eyes soften a little bit, barely noticeable.)
BRIANNA- Mikaylah. That’s the problem in your life.
MIKAYLAH- No, it’s not! Just stop trying to guess me!
(MIKAYLAH is on the verge of tears. She shakes her head and runs away. BRIANNA looks down. She looks back up and tries to smile; instead, she breaks down and shakes her head. She gazes sadly at the ground. She sighs, then stands up and walks away. Seconds pass, building tension. Slowly, MIKAYLAH walks into the scene and sits on the far edge of the bench. BRIANNA walks in a few seconds later. She sees MIKAYLAH, hesitates, then takes another step. MIKAYLAH turns around, jumps slightly, then relaxes.)
MIKAYLAH- Brianna… I’m sorry…
(BRIANNA sits down.)
MIKAYLAH- For everything. Like last time I snapped at you, and I bet I gave you a lot of stress. But I thought about what you said.
(BRIANNA still seems unwilling to talk, but then gives in.)
BRIANNA- Have you tried praying again yet?
MIKAYLAH- It doesn’t take that short of a time, you know.
BRIANNA- But it won’t happen if you don’t make it happen. Try it.
MIKAYLAH- I don’t know how.
BRIANNA- Yes, you do. Dear God… remember?
MIKAYLAH- Dear God… What next?
(BRIANNA scoots closer to MIKAYLAH and closes her eyes.)
BRIANNA- Dear God, help Mikaylah. Help her through this tough time. Let the light shine through. Show her your grace. Guide her back to you. She can’t do it alone. Amen.
(They look up and their eyes meet for a moment. Then MIKAYLAH stands up and kneels where she was at the beginning of the play. While she prays she faces the front, slightly to the left. Her gaze leads up and she does not close her eyes. These last lines are said with different strong emotions.)
MIKAYLAH- God. Are you there? I hope you are, cause I need you to be listening to me now. I don’t know why this happened, I guess it’s that I forgot… I guess I just forgot how great you are. But why’d you leave me? Please, tell me the answer, let me know now… I get it. You didn’t leave me, I left you. I’m sorry, can you forgive me? Are you out there? Are you listening? Tell me, which star up there if your favorite? Which one should remind me of you? All of them? Maybe so. You’re listening to me know… I know it. I know it… I don’t know how I used to be so blind. Thank you for showing me the light. Thank you.
(BRIANNA looks up and watches MIKAYLAH, who looks hesitant. MIKAYLAH closes her eyes.)
(Instant blackout.)
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